Zondervan authors range from everyday people to international leaders. Read their inspirational, insightful, and sometimes provocative quotes on your desktop with the Zondervan Quote of the Day widget.
"What a man needs is a brother to draw close, minister to him, and help him mature. He needs somebody to demonstrate to him another way to live, modeling a godly marriage, biblical parenthood, and the love of Christ." Steve Sonderman, Effective Men's Ministry
"Being moral is inherently good because it is foundational to a person's flourishing in life, since doing well in life and being a good person still go together for most people." Scott B. Rae, Moral Choices
"My face was veiled from men. For the most part, during those first 14 years of my feeble existence, the perimeter walls of our large garden were my boundaries." Gulshan Esther, The Torn Veil
"We all have one shot and one shot only to leave a lasting legacy -- a definitive mark on this world that reflects our decision to lean into, not away from, our areas of holy discontent." Bill Hybels, Holy Discontent
"The forms of media and technology -- regardless of their content -- cause profound changes in the church and culture." Shane Hipps, The Hidden Power of Electronic Culture
"The book of Genesis, through its many well-known stories, teaches us about God's plan for human relationships and emotions, especially within the family. Although the words "grandmother" or "grandfather" do not appear in Genesis, they easily could. These stories tell about individuals who lived for hundreds of years, living to see many generations. We can learn from their successes and from their failures." The Grandmother's Bible
"Most professing Christians don't know what they believe, and so can neither understand nor defend the Christian faith -- much less live it." Charles Colson, The Faith
"Christianity is on the move and is creating a seismic change that is changing the face of the whole Christian movement. Every Christian in the world, but especially those in the West, must understand how these changes will influence our understanding of church history, our study of theology, and our conception of world missions." Timothy C. Tennent, Theology in the Context of World Christianity
"As disciples of Jesus we are to do what we see God doing in Jesus, just as our shadow does everything we do." Gregory A. Boyd, The Myth of a Christian Nation
"The earth was designed to sustain every generation's needs, not to be plundered in an attempt to meet one generation's wants." J. Matthew Sleeth, MD, Serve God, Save the Planet
"And so Cynthia and I found ourselves chafing at what we later would recognize was our first lesson in missionary life in Nepal: Be prepared for a comedown. Being asked to do something other than we were trained for was not what bothered us so much; it was being asked to do less. We learned what every missionary must sooner or later learn: If it's job satisfaction you expect, forget about being a missionary." Thomas Hale, Don't Let the Goats Eat the Loquat Trees
"Go behind the facade in any major town or city in the world today and you are likely to find a thriving commerce in human beings. You may even find slavery in your own backyard." David Batstone, Not For Sale
"Missions is a religious response. Humanitarianism is a societal response. But if we look at Jesus, we will plant a healthy, holistic faith that has the ability to lovingly, not forcefully, transform society." Bob Roberts, Jr., Glocalization
"Sadly, rather than seeing the church as the light of the world, many people in the emerging culture see the church primarily in terms of its grave moral inadequacies." Tim Conder, The Church in Transition
"Is it possible to find the real Jesus? That depends on how you answer a more foundational question: Are you willing to set aside your preconceptions and let the evidence take you wherever it will?" Lee Strobel, The Case for the Real Jesus
"We fail to grasp what joy really is, how it differs from happiness, what it is not, and how it can be fully experienced in our lives." Rich Wagner, The Myth of Happiness
"As more and more people take Jesus' teachings on neighborly nonviolence and peacemaking seriously, as more and more people live out the simple way of Jesus in their communities, our whole world comes closer to the day when God's will is done on earth -- which includes the extinction of war." Brian McLaren, A Generous Orthodoxy
"Either your past is serving as a springboard to a better tomorrow, or it is the proverbial albatross keeping you from moving forward today." Les Parrott III, Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda
"Without a purpose, life is motion without meaning, activity without direction, and events without reason. Without a purpose, life is trivial, petty, and pointless." Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Life