Zondervan authors range from everyday people to international leaders. Read their inspirational, insightful, and sometimes provocative quotes on your desktop with the Zondervan Quote of the Day widget.
"The Christian faith is more of a quest than a destination, for Jesus himself was a wanderer, the most famous peripatetic pilgrim ever to strap on a pair of sandals." Tony Jones, The Sacred Way
"The goal of moving from decay to restoration is not simply for the church to grow numerically, not simply to have more churches with more people sitting in them. Instead, the goal is to move the church into more fruitful ministry so that the church can transform culture with the love and grace of God." David T. Olson, The American Church in Crisis
"Children have critical spiritual windows of opportunity -- pathways to their hearts during their growing-up years, when their hearts and minds are most open to experiencing the wonder of God's creation, coming to know him and his ways through the Bible, talking and listening to him through prayer, serving him, and participating in the church community." Cheri Fuller, Opening Your Child's Spiritual Windows
"Archaeology illuminates the text of the Scriptures and so makes valuable contributions to the field of biblical interpretation and exegesis." Joseph Free & Howard Vos, Archaeology and Bible History
"Jesus had much to say about what happens when a woman, a God image-bearer, a carrier of the divine spark, becomes a 'that' instead of a 'she' in the eyes of men. Jesus teaches that 'anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.' He connects our eyes and our intentions and our thoughts with the state of our hearts." Rob Bell, Sex God
"What is it about our culture that makes us prone to listen to sensational claims about Jesus and his earliest followers, even when there is little or no hard evidence to support such conjectures?" Ben Witherington III, What Have They Done With Jesus?
"A man and a woman fall into bed now with no promises made and no expectations to which they can hold each other." Paula Rinehart, Sex and the Soul of a Woman
"Within our thoughts resides the capacity for good or evil, for help or hurt, for positive or negative actions, for trusting or doubting." Jay Dennis & Marilyn Jeffcoat, Taming Your Private Thoughts
"Does Jesus stretch our imaginations? Do we allow him to challenge our instrumental notions of truth? Does it suddenly begin to strike us that we are Pilate?" Samuel Wells, Power and Passion
"Christ doesn't talk much about happiness, but I see the promise of joy repeated constantly throughout the New Testament." Rich Wagner, The Myth of Happiness
"Christianity and Islam account for almost half the world's population. Amazingly, they remain relatively ignorant of each other's central beliefs." Mateen Elass, Understanding the Koran
"There is a tremendous need for churches today to educate and assist people with managing their money in God-honoring ways." Dick Towner & John Tofilon, Good $ense Budget Course