Zondervan authors range from everyday people to international leaders. Read their inspirational, insightful, and sometimes provocative quotes on your desktop with the Zondervan Quote of the Day widget.
"Maybe you think slavery was eliminated a long time ago. That's what a lot of people think. Unfortunately, it's not true. That's right, slavery still goes on today." Zach Hunter, Be the Change
"The seemingly insignificant words you speak and actions you take can have great significance before God and in the lives of the people you encounter." William Carr Peel & Walt Larimore, MD, Going Public with Your Faith
"Our stewardship of money tells a deep and consequential story. It forms our biography." Randy Alcorn, quoted by John Ortberg, Laurie Pederson, & Judson Poling in Giving
"God has a double standard in Islam when it comes to forgiveness that introduces a potentially deadly relativism into Islam's ethics. Only in Christianity does God sacrifice Himself to pay the debts of humankind." Charles Colson & Harold Fickett, The Faith
"You can know everything there is to know about yourself, your potential, and your goals, but if you are hesitant about developing some of the essential character qualities it takes to fulfill your godly dreams (such as humility, generosity, and confidence), you'll get derailed from your life's calling at every turn." Katie Brazelton & Shelley Leith, Character Makeover
"Many survivors eventually come to a point in their healing when the 'why' questions become less important and 'Where do we go from here?' becomes the focus." David B. Biebel & Suzanne L. Foster, Finding Your Way after the Suicide of Someone You Love
"Protecting the ecosystem can't become another failed New Year's resolution -- like an exercise plan or a work ethic that fizzles out after three weeks. We need to have endurance, if we are going to change the world." Emma Sleeth, It's Easy Being Green
"To claim that one's citizenship is in heaven is to say that you pledge allegiance not to any of the kingdoms of the world but to Jesus and the body of those who take on his suffering, enemy-loving posture toward the world." Shane Claiborne & Chris Haw, Jesus for President
"Might there be something about information -- the speed with which it comes, the sense of control it gives us -- that can truly become addictive?" Kevin A. Miller, Surviving Information Overload
"If I refuse to bury my head in the sand, pretending all is well, but rather think and speak of the world as it actually is, can I, then, still know God as good? Can my experience of him be more consistent than my circumstances, which alternate between good and bad?" Matt Rogers, When Answers Aren't Enough
"The Bible is not merely some divine guidebook, nor is it a mine of propositions to be believed or a long list of commands to be obeyed. It is infinitely more than that." Gordon D. Fee & Douglas Stuart, How to Read the Bible Book by Book
"When money is no longer the chief rival god, when money no longer controls the person but the person controls money, and when the deceitfulness of riches is exposed and can no longer choke out God's Word, individuals are freed up to relate to God and to serve God in profoundly new and deeper ways." Dick Towner & John Tofilon, Good $ense Budget Course
"When God's glory is our joy, when our hearts beat with his, when he rules with no rivals, we grow healthy as leaders." Kevin G. Harney, Leadership from the Inside Out
"While we think that everyone should have a primary Bible translation of choice, we hope also, in light of the richness of available options, to encourage the frequent use of more than one translation as an enriching form of Bible study." Gordon D. Fee & Mark L. Strauss, How to Choose a Translation for All Its Worth
"Astronomy leads us to a unique event, a universe which was created out of nothing, one with the very delicate balance needed to provide exactly the conditions required to permit life, and one which has an underlying (one might say 'supernatural') plan." Nobel laureate Arno Penzias, quoted by Lee Strobel, The Case for a Creator
"'Evangelical' means being radically open to the gospel in all of its implications, including challenges to our comfort zones and vested interest in upholding the status quo and reiterating the past." Roger E. Olson, How to Be Evangelical without Being Conservative
"Our purpose for life does not consist only in spiritual activities. There is also value in showing up for work, waxing our car, playing with our children, or taking a trip to the beach -- just a few of the many things we do, not because we are Christian, but primarily because we are human." Michael E. Wittmer, Heaven Is a Place on Earth
"The Jehovah's Witnesses, with their emphasis on witnessing and their efforts to win converts from orthodoxy, ought to serve as a challenge to Christians to reevaluate their own faith." Ruth A. Tucker, Another Gospel
"By understanding how God created and designed us, we are more likely to turn our myriad differences, blind spots, and weaknesses into oneness and strength, so that we can more fully live the joy of God's delightful design for marriage." Walt & Barb Larimore, His Brain, Her Brain
"When it comes to relationships with members of the disabled community, I ask that those of you who are not disabled take the initiative. You need to take the risk of looking past the wheelchair, the sunglasses, and the prostheses to see and engage the person that lies hidden there." Joni Eareckson Tada, Barrier-Free Friendships
"Faith isn't about having perfect and complete answers to every single objection. Faith is about a choice, a step of the will, a decision to want to know God personally." Lee Strobel, The Case for Faith