Zondervan authors range from everyday people to international leaders. Read their inspirational, insightful, and sometimes provocative quotes on your desktop with the Zondervan Quote of the Day widget.
"There is something out there that God is waiting for you to grab on to so that he can use you to help solve it." Bill Hybels, Holy Discontent (website)
"God is concerned for the whole of humankind and for the whole of human life in all its color and complexity. These universals have important consequences for our thinking." John R. W. Stott, Issues Facing Christians Today
"God is like the smitten father who anxiously scans the horizon, looking for the crazy, mixed-up kid that is me and you both. Prodigals utterly matter to God." Jeff Lucas, Creating a Prodigal-Friendly Church
"As a tune that salutes the unselfish service of men and women whose devotion to duty and country set them apart from their peers, Taps signifies life built on faith, hope, and love." Ace Collins, Stories Behind the Hymns That Inspire America
"If the Church has any hope of answering today's challenges, it must pursue what we call radical Christianity or orthodoxy." Charles W. Colson & Harold Fickett, The Faith
"The day of divorce doesn't represent a final point in anything but the legal status of the marriage. For many, ongoing battles will continue for months or years." John P. Splinter, The Complete Divorce Recovery Handbook
"Every woman who has been sexually betrayed recalls with vivid clarity that darkest, loneliest day when betrayal entered the sanctuary of her marriage and forever changed her life." Debra Laaser, Shattered Vows
"It is precisely at the juncture of intractable evil, abuse, and human misery that the Christian gospel offers the only possible hope." Steven R. Tracy, Mending the Soul
"Children and books go together in a special way. I can't imagine any pleasure greater than bringing to the uncluttered, supple mind of a child the delight of knowing the many rich things God has given us to enjoy. Parents have this wonderful privilege, and books are their keenest tools." Gladys Hunt, Honey for a Child's Heart
"Aslan," said Lucy, "you're bigger." "That is because you are older, little one," answered he. "Not because you are?" "I am not. But every year you grow, you will find me bigger." Dialogue from Prince Caspian by C. S. Lewis
"Eventually Rauni finally could not doubt the massive number of contradictions she read and translated. The evidence was just too overwhelming. 'Mormonism just doesn't make sense,' she told us." Thom S. Rainer, The Unexpected Journey
"Every Sunday morning a minority of people in your town and mine prepare to go to church. For those who walk into a church and take a seat, what is at stake? How much does it really matter what takes place in the next hour?" Nancy Beach, An Hour on Sunday
"The very freedom of speech and expression that ironically permits critics to castigate Christian values is largely a by-product of Christianity's influences that have been incorporated into the social fabric of the Western world." Alvin J. Schmidt, How Christianity Changed the World
"We all have learned that we can go through the motions of leadership with an empty heart. Love is our heartbeat, and too often our heartbeat is weaker than we want to admit." Kevin G. Harney, Leadership from the Inside Out
"Only in God do we discover our origin, our identity, our meaning, our purpose, our significance and our destiny." Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Life
"Gradually the impression has sunk into the American mind that being a conservative Christian, being evangelical, and being narrow, rigid, militant, and angry are the same." Roger E. Olson, How to Be Evangelical without Being Conservative
"True emerging churches must go deep within, and from the inside out, rethink, reshape, and revalue how we go about everything as culture changes. We must rethink leadership, church structure, the role of a pastor, spiritual formation, how community is lived out, how evangelism is done, how we express our worship, etc. It's not just about what we do in the worship service, but about everything." Dan Kimball, Listening to the Beliefs of Emerging Churches
"A knowledge of the real Jesus is essential. The reality of an individual who has set the western calendar, permeated human thought and history for over 2,000 years, and influenced the culture of the dominant nations for a millennium demands to be taken seriously." Joel Edwards, An Agenda for Change
"I am drawn to Jesus, irresistibly, because he positioned himself as the dividing point of life -- my life. According to Jesus, what I think about him and how I respond will determine my destiny for all eternity." Philip Yancey, The Jesus I Never Knew
"Prayer means keeping company with God who is already present. Prayer offers the chance to attend and respond to that presence." Philip Yancey, Prayer: Does It Make Any Difference?