Zondervan authors range from everyday people to international leaders. Read their inspirational, insightful, and sometimes provocative quotes on your desktop with the Zondervan Quote of the Day widget.
"Worship takes on a completely new expression on the other side of the world. No sound systems, no calculated transitions, just sweaty believers crammed together into small rooms, weeping as the Holy Spirit oozes out among them." Bob Roberts Jr., Transformation (website)
"Anyone who refuses to test his limits, anyone unwilling to move out of her comfort zone, is destined to live life inside the envelope. The most important developments in science, history, technology, and the arts came from taking risks." Ben Carson MD, Take the Risk (website)
"If you are soul-fatigued and long for rest, God wants you to know that he has established a way for you to order your life so there is always space for play, worship, refreshment, and community with those you love." Kevin G. Harney, Seismic Shifts
"As God looks down from the vastness of heaven at this third planet from the sun, what is he seeing? What is he thinking? What is he saying to the angels about the goings-on here? What is he applauding, and what is he reproaching? What does he wish his people to do -- and not do?" Dean Merrill, Sinners in the Hands of an Angry Church
"Matthew smiled and whispered in an easy creed, 'I love you, dad.' I was an old man young in the love of his son." Walter Wangerin Jr., Father and Son (website)
"Take all the words available in the human vocabulary and read them from the dictionary, and you have only a list of words. But with the creativity and imagination God has given human beings, let these words flow together in the right order and they give wings to the spirit. Every child ought to know the pleasure of words so well chosen that they awaken sensibility, great emotions, and understanding of truth." Gladys Hunt, Honey for a Child's Heart
"The pace of the modern world accentuates our sense of being fractured and fragmented. The complexity of rushing to achieve and accumulate more and more threatens frequently to overwhelm us." Richard J. Foster, Freedom of Simplicity
"The history of Jewish believers in Jesus is a fascinating one, but life for Messianic Jews has been difficult ever since the Greek contextualization of the Christian message and lifestyle." Louis Goldberg, How Jewish Is Christianity?
"A knowledge of the real Jesus is essential, not just for Christians but for wider society, because his influence is so wide. The reality of an individual who has set the western calendar, permeated human thought and history for over 2,000 years, and influenced the culture of the dominant nations for a millennium demands to be taken seriously." Joel Edwards, An Agenda for Change(website)
"A cult of Christianity is a group of people who claim to be Christian, yet embrace a particular doctrinal system taught by an individual leader, group of leaders, or organization, which (system) denies (either explicitly or implicitly) one or more of the central doctrines of the Christian faith as taught in the 66 books of the Bible." Alan W. Gomes, Unmasking the Cults
"The image of God -- the first man on earth received it, and in some refracted way each one of us possesses this quality wondrous strange." Paul Brand MD, In His Image
"Just as the school sees it as part of their job to set up a practice opportunity for teenagers with the SAT exams, it's a parent's job to set up practice opportunities with as many of the expected adult competencies as possible." Robert G. Barnes, Ready for Responsibility
"God cares more about the character we bring to our life mission than he does about our ministry's strategic plan." Katie Brazelton & Shelley Leith, Character Makeover